Sunday, November 8, 2020

Surat Permohnan Cuti Kuliah


Perihal : Permohonan Cuti Kuliah


Kepada Yth,

Rektorat dan Bidang Akademik

Dan Kemahasiswaan Sulawesi Flight Makassar


Dengan Hormat,

Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini saya :

Nama                 : Andi Muh. Radyatul Ma’Rif

NIM                   :  

Jurusan               : Airline Crew

Alamat               : Jl. Minasa Upa Perumahan Bukit Salekowa Permai 5

No. Telp/HP      : 085330350501

Mengajukan permohonan Cuti Kuliah tahun akademik 2020 – 2021 dikarenakan ingin mengikuti  BINLAT  AKPOL (Bimbingan Latihan Akademi Kepolisian), sehingga tidak memungkinkan untuk mengikuti kegiatan kuliah pada semester ini.


Demikian surat permohonan ini, Atas Perhatian Bapak/Ibu saya ucapkan terima kasih.


Makassar, 09 November 2020


    Dosen Penasehat Akademik                                                           Hormat Saya



(                                                   )                                         Andi Muh. Radyatul Ma’Rif

Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Last Speech before election day that made JOE BIDEN be a President Of U.S.

Tomorrow's the beginning of a new day
tomorrow we can put an end to a presidency that has left hard working americans out in the cold.
tomorrow we can put an end to a presidency that has failed to protect this nation. 

ladies and gentlemen : millions of americans have already voted close to 100 million. and millions more will vote tomorrow. and my message to you is simple :"The power to change this country is in your hands- in your hands. there's nothing that has made me more angry about this president than the way his spoken about those of you who served in uniform. losers and sucker, (he) reffered to you

Our son, Beau : his two children are with me tonight he gave up his job as attornay general to volunteer to go to iraq for a year. he won the Bronze star, the conspicuous service medal. he came home with brain cancer and guess what? he wasn't a sucker! he was a patriot like all of your sons and daughters! it angers the hell out of me, the way he talks about Dr. (anthony) Fauci, well i've got a better idea let's fire trump and i'll hire gonna beat this virus. we're gonna get it under control and the first step "the first step to beating this virus is beating Donald Trump.

Trump sees the world from park avenue, from wall street, that's all he can see. well, i see it from scranton, where i grew up, i see it from Pennsylvania and delaware. wall street didn't built this country! working people built the country. the middle class built the country and unions built the middle class.
i honest to God believe the vast majority of americans are done with the chaos, the corruption, the failure, the irresponsibility, the indifference to american lives dignity, we've got a lot of work to do not division and distraction, but real, real, real, healing of this country.

Everybody knows who donald trump is. leet's keep showing them who we are. we choose-we choose hope over fear. we choose unity over division, we choose science over fiction and yes, we choose truth over lie after lie after lie.

Follow My IG : @renoldhnet

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Contoh Format Bagan Struktur Organisasi Sekolah SMA Negeri 9 Makassar Doc

Download Format Bagan Struktur Organisasi Sekolah SMA Negeri IX Makassar pada link berikut :


Conto Bagan Terlihat Pada Gambar Berikut :

File Ms. Word. Anda bisa download dan tinggal mengisi Kolom yang sudah tersedia